Many utility companies use peak-demand based pricing model. They charge you for total amount of electricity used
plus the peak demand your facility requires. Motison CyberStats are in a unique position to help lower your facility's
peak demand and uitility bills. All CyberStats within the facility work together as a team to negotiate a turn-on slot
for themselves. These turn-on slots are spread evenly over time to flaten the demand curve. It doesn't reduce your overall
electricity use or your comfort but it reduces the peak electricty requirements.
In this chart, you can track the peak demand reduction performance. The ideal scenario would be when the peak-demand curve
exactly follows the average curve. You are not going to get that. That would require cycling the thermostats too often.
However, the more CyberStats you have in the facility the closer you will get to the ideal curve. Also, keep in mind that this data
only represents demand generated by HVAC units under CyberStats' control. It doesn't include demand coming from other
appliances in your facility.
To evaluate the peak demand reduction you can turn off the feature in your property settings and see normally what is the
peak deviation from average.